Make your MARKeting

מאת Eden-Ink
בתאריך 7 אוגוסט, 2017

מאמר שיווקי באנגלית אודות שיווק

Make your MARKeting


Marketing, we all use it in one way or another – it's a system for a business man, a public figure or even you to make your new patent, your company or yourself become the hottest pepper in the world. Marketing's aim is to do more than just make your business leave a mark, but to become a symbol, a brand anyone knows and remembers. 
There are many marketing systems the agencies use in order to make your brand pop such as establishing networks, connections between different businesses, creating an image, graphic and subconscious, that will capture the consumer's eye and make him a buyer. There is a lot of careful planning, negotiating and late nights put into endless efforts. 
Today's marketing and advertising industries mainly focus on "working the social media".
Nowadays, the internet is the most effective tool, making it easy for brands to become nationally recognized, improving customer services and thus brand loyalty, and all at low costs. The two main social networks playing the game are "Instagram" and "Facebook". While Instagram is a graphic tool meant to shape the viewer's tastes, increase a brand's popularity and make the brand become a new trend, Facebook pages "collect" followers like socks, making it and its values acclaimed. Soon enough, the products become an everyday habit for the consumer, and that's when you got them.
Another rising mountain is marketing through writing. Articles filled with information, slogans, marketing techniques and sometimes sale notices, all directed at the public. Today's public is already familiar with old world advertising techniques, but the articles are a new angle – people become more informative about the product their after and what kind of specifics makes is better than the other. The articles help the consumer make an informed decision, which reduces returns as well as makes the costumers feel safe in buying the product, and slowly but surely making it a part of their daily routine.
Another amazing marketing development was the discovery of discovery platforms like Taboola and Outbrain. The logic behind the platforms is that there are so many options on the market, people get confused or lost and just don't know what's right for them anymore. In order to get our heads straight again, the discovery platforms collect all the advertising tools and connect them to well-known web sites as personal recommendations, so people could read, watch or just become familiar with the new brand. Because people are looking to discover anyway, discovery platforms are actually quite helpful to the company and the consumer.
Marketing is a diversified field filled with many options and interesting paths. If you're looking to increase awareness or profit, that's the place to begin. 
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