Dating behaviors that might remain the same after covid-19

בתאריך 19 מאי, 2021

The number of people getting vaccinated is increasing by the day so hopefully, things might get back to the way they were in a couple of months or so. Everyone is anxiously waiting to be set free from the lockdown so they can meet their friends and partners. People were in touch with their loved ones through video calling apps like NEEO, but nothing can match the warmth felt in the physical presence of friends and family. People will be more than happy to go back to the old ways of dating, cherish holding hands, and cuddling. During the lockdown, all of us developed certain habits and took certain precautionary measures to keep ourselves safe.

Dating behaviors that might remain the same after covid-19

The number of people getting vaccinated is increasing by the day so hopefully, things might get back to the way they were in a couple of months or so. Everyone is anxiously waiting to be set free from the lockdown so they can meet their friends and partners. People were in touch with their loved ones through video calling apps like NEEO, but nothing can match the warmth felt in the physical presence of friends and family. People will be more than happy to go back to the old ways of dating, cherish holding hands, and cuddling. During the lockdown, all of us developed certain habits and took certain precautionary measures to keep ourselves safe. Maintaining some of these habits post-lockdown will be beneficial for us.

  • Communicating via audio/video calls:

Many of us are excited about shutting down our laptops, forgetting all about online apps, and going back to the conventional ways of dating. But professionals suggest that you continue to use video calling apps and check out the person online first before meeting them in person. If there’s any spark while communicating online you’ll know this person is worth a try in real life. Being a little cautious is better than rushing into a meeting and then facing disappointment.

  • Looking for the right signs:

Talking to a stranger on call might feel strange at first but it can be very helpful if you lookout for the right signs. You can check to see if this person is respectful towards you, is a good listener, and is modest. A person who sounds extremely romantic, but is a tad too idealistic might not be the best long-term partner. You would want someone grounded and realistic, though not boring. By communicating via video calling apps you will be able to match their gestures with words and find out if the sentiments are real.

  • Transparency in highlighting concerns:

Courtesy of COVID, people are now more straightforward while discussing their concerns with each other. While people would mostly get intimate right away, now they will be less impulsive and think of the repercussions. Continuation of this practice post covid will result in long-lasting relationships and fewer cases of STDs. It wouldn’t be wrong to say that romantic bonds will be now be based on something greater than looks and physical attraction.

  • More quality time together:

Dating pre-covid usually involved meeting up at bars or other crowded places which offered little space for getting to know the other person in-depth. But with the lockdown people were only able to meet privately which lead them to focus more on each other. When there are a lot of distractions you are unable to pay attention to each other. But while taking a walk together, having a picnic, or hiking, you'll be bonding while doing something productive.  Keep some of those activities on top of the list even once the lockdown is over.

  • Fewer chances of disloyalty:

Pre-covid it was easier to cheat on your partner but now people will hopefully be more mindful of their actions. Players could go around getting intimate with several partners without being caught. Due to the lockdown, it must have become difficult for such people to fool around and break hearts. They can do hanky-panky online but for fear of catching the virus, they will probably be more cautious in the real world. By going through someone’s social media profile beforehand you’ll get an idea about this person’s character.

  • Developing a better understanding:

With the features available in online chat apps you now have a chance at preparing yourself for dates in real life. Since most people are comfortable communicating online you won’t face any trouble while trying to get in touch with someone you like. You can then use a video calling app to talk to your potential partner and build trust and an understanding before you meet up in person.

  • More hygiene conscious:

Thanks to covid people are more hygienic now. People who were casual about their hygiene, which lead to the transmission of various diseases, will be cautious from now on. Hygiene is an important factor to consider while dating but previously you might have been reluctant to convey this. Amidst covid, you can discuss hygiene openly with your partner and decide whether their level of hygiene suits you enough to carry on with them.

For many, all hell broke loose when the corona pandemic arrived at their doorstep, despite all the care and caution. But the lucky ones who have managed to survive so far will benefit by continuing their practices post-vaccination. There’s never any harm in being cautious for the sake of health because there is nothing more important than health. By continuing to use video chat apps like NEEO you can strengthen your bonds by first dating in the virtual world.

Dating behaviors that might remain the same after covid-19
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