בתאריך 20 דצמבר, 2020

Ebola Virus The Ebola virus, generally known as cardiovascular lymphatic uses the combination of both viral and the host enzymes in which the alongside cell structures get replicated (McElroy, et al., 2015). The Ebola virus disease could be emerged from anywhere. However, in the African context, the Ebola disease outbreaks the deadliest of the world. For instance, the self assemblage of the ebola virus develops in the host cells as viral macromolecular structures.


Ebola Virus

The Ebola virus, generally known as cardiovascular lymphatic uses the combination of both viral and the host enzymes in which the alongside cell structures get replicated (McElroy, et al., 2015). The Ebola virus disease could be emerged from anywhere. However, in the African context, the Ebola disease outbreaks the deadliest of the world. For instance, the seld assemblage of the ebola virus develops in the host cells as viral macromolecular structures.


The duration of the ebola virus takes to be visible from 2-21 days. The symptoms are known as the 'Incubation Period' disrupts the immunity system of a patient. Later the symptoms of the ebola appear very quickly. Due to both external and internal bleeding, the eyes of the patents become reddish and the patient might vomit blood. The maximum patient suffers from bloody diarrhea, liver, cardiovascular, and kidney get collapsed (Baseler, Chertow, Johnson, Feldmann & Morens, 2017). It is worth to mention that, eventually these symptoms lead to death.


In 1976, Ebola was discovered near the river of Ebola in which the presently known as the Democratic Republic of Congo. Since that time, the virus appeared and emerged periodically. A a result, the natural reservoir of this respective virus has infected the people across several African countries.

Causative Agent and Pathogenesis

The Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) known as Ebola hemorrhagic fever, caused by the infection belongs to the Filoviridae. It is seen that in humans the EVD, there is an average of the case fatality rate from 50%. However, belonging from the families of both Marburg virus (MARV) and Filoviridae virus, together with the pathogen named Virulent cause. The pathogen lead to hemorrhagic fever in non-human and human primates.


The aforementioned Ebola hemorrhagic fever frequently lead to severe complications such as jaundice, severe bleeding, organ failure, shock, delirium, seizures, and eath of the 50% infected patients (Zinzula, et al., 2019). The rest of the patients who, fortunately, consider enough for surviving the Ebola hemorrhagic fever might suffer from the complications that take several months to be resolved.


According to the medical sciences, ebola disease spreads with direct blood contact or the other body fluids that have already developed the symptoms. In a sense, the body fluid might contain ebolaviruses including mucus, saliva, feces, vomit, tears, urine, breast milk and semen.

Prevention and Treatment

It is worth to mention that in order to prevent the disease, some factors need to be ignored. The factors consisted of the infected people, their body fluid and the bodies that have died from the disease. Also, avoiding eye contact from monkeys, bats, wild animals, and their meat requires to avoid accordingly (Zinzula, et al., 2019). The treatment of ebola included an experimental serum in which the infected cells get destroyed. Doctors manage the symptoms with oxygen, electrolytes, fluids, transfusion of blood, blood pressure medication.



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