How long does laser hair removal last?

בתאריך 17 אוגוסט, 2020

We are living in a modern world where complex problems require modern solutions. Unwanted body hair growing, again and again, is also a major problem for almost every man and woman who is sick of shaving, trimming and waxing. The world is growing fast and we have to match the pace to achieve more. In that hassle, shaving daily to get a hair-free body is very irritating and time-consuming. Therefore, laser hair removal has been introduced to liberate you from the daunting practice of removing excess body hair.

How long does laser hair removal last?

We are living in a modern world where complex problems require modern solutions. Unwanted body hair growing, again and again, is also a major problem for almost every man and woman who is sick of shaving, trimming and waxing. The world is growing fast and we have to match the pace to achieve more. In that hassle, shaving daily to get a hair-free body is very irritating and time-consuming. Therefore, laser hair removal has been introduced to liberate you from the daunting practice of removing excess body hair.

Laser hair removal in Dubai is a costly treatment but it is very effective in reducing the growth of body hair. The traditional ways of hair removal produce temporary results and are ineffective in reducing hair growth for a long time. However, laser treatment is the exact opposite. It is the only treatment that offers long-lasting results, not for months but years.

Below, we have explained in detail how laser hair removal works and how long does hair removal last?

How does Laser Hair Removal work?

This latest hair removal technique utilizes focused light energy to stop the growth of individual hair follicles located under the skin. The laser light is targeted at the hair follicles during the procedure which is absorbed by the melanin pigment in the hair follicles. Once the laser light gets absorbed, it produces heat. 

As sufficient heat is generated and delivered down the follicle, the hair growth center in the follicle gets destroyed. As a result, the production of new hair from that follicle stops. You require almost 4-6 follow-up sessions of the treatment to achieve the desired results. 

The Cycle of Hair Growth

Before we explain how long the results last, we want you to understand the cycle of hair growth. Your body hair grow in three-phase named as anagen, catagen and telogen. 

  • The anagen phase is the period of growth in which hair actively grows. 

  • During Catagen, the hair stops growing and detaches itself from the blood supply.

  • Telogen is the resting period in which the hair rests in the root as the new hair starts growing beneath it.

Now when the laser procedure is performed, not all the hair are in the same phase of growth. Some hair will be in the resting phase and some will be in the active phase. It means the hair which are in resting phase will not absorb the laser light or generate the heat. As a result, the growth of hair follicles will not be destroyed. Such hair will grow normally even after the laser session. This is the reason that multiple sessions are required.

How long do the results last?

The results of laser hair removal last for years. Some resources have reported that after getting all the sessions of laser treatment, you can observe the effects for at least 2 years. But this does not make it permanent. It will put your hair follicles in the state of dormancy for a very long period of time but it won’t be forever. Hair will grow back but they will be finer and thinner than before. So, we can say that the results are not permanent or for life but they are long-lasting as compared to other hair removal methods. 

In simple words, laser hair removal will only reduce the number of excess or unwanted hair on the body. It does not remove them completely for life in a single session. If you get the laser treatment regularly whenever you see hair growth, you will stay hair-free for years.

Factors Affecting the Results 

There are some factors that contribute to the efficacy of results. These factors include the tone of skin, the color of hair and the experience of the dermatologist. A certified and qualified laser specialist would deliver the desired results with great efficiency.

The Bottom Line 

The results of laser hair removal are exceptional when we talk about their sustainability. They are long-lasting but not permanent even though they are deemed as permanent. You can stay hair-free for years. However, the hair will grow when they will come out of the dormant state. One thing that you should keep in mind while getting the treatment is, always choose the best laser hair removal clinic in Dubai. A clinic that has qualified laser experts and advanced laser equipment. Only a reputable clinic follows all the safety standards and ensures the patient’s safety. So, if you want to get a clear, silky, smooth skin, opt for the laser hair removal procedure now!

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