4 Smooth Tricks to Attract Visitors to Your New Websit

בתאריך 27 ינואר, 2020

Getting the visitors to land on your website and remain there can be a daunting task. However, the more visitors you have, the more benefits your business will have as well.

4 Smooth Tricks to Attract Visitors to Your New Websit

You've created a new website? Awesome! Now it's time to get that traffic going your way. Unfortunately, that's easier said than done, especially in the beginning. The main reason is that there are slim chances that consumers will simply stumble upon your website. 

In today's online world, you have to make an effort to attract them. To do that efficiently, you'll have to work on improving your visibility, exposure, awareness and credibility, among other things. As you may already know, the online world is a highly competitive environment. 

Getting consumers to visit your website can oftentimes demand a lot of work. Luckily, there's always a way to do things the right way and ensure good and organic traffic for your website. With that in mind, here are a few smooth tricks that will help you attract visitors to your new website.

Work on your web design

Attracting visitors to your new website is a challenge. But, what's even more challenging is getting them to stay. If a few visitors actually do come to your website but they decide to bounce right off, it won't look good for your future web traffic. 

Therefore, website design has a lot to do with both attracting and retaining visitors on your website. The seamless browsing experience is simply a must. But before you can get to that, you must do some research first to determine your target audience and their expectations, needs, preferences and demands. 

That way, you can work on your website in a way that will meet those expectations. Consumers that enjoy their visit to your website will spread the word quickly and you'll soon have a lot of inbound traffic. Here are a few factors that influence user experience on your website.

  • Fast loading pages and overall website speed.

  • A responsive design that ensures mobile-friendliness.

  • Proper security measures, such as HTTPS in your URL.

  • User-friendly pages.

  • Easy to navigate.

  • Well-designed and relevant content.

Start a blog

Content is what interests consumers the most. If you have a lot of relevant and high-quality content on your website, then a lot of consumers will be interested in exploring your website. However, content must be exceptionally well-made, otherwise, your visitors may not like it one bit. 

Moreover, make sure that your content is able to educate, entertain and inform visitors about various topics that interest them. You can further boost your traffic by starting a blog. Aside from being an additional source of content, your blog is also an ideal channel for both inbound and outbound links, as well as for social media sharing. 

In terms of SEO (Search Engine Optimization), a blog will create more visibility and exposure for your website as search engines crawl those pages as well. This will eventually result in more organic traffic for your new website. 

Leverage SEO

SEO is probably the best marketing strategy for boosting organic web traffic. Ranking well on search engines, such as Google can be viewed as a promotion, especially if you appear on top of the search results. Furthermore, consumers rarely search beyond the first page of search results. However, SEO takes a bit of time to produce results, which is why you must be patient with it. 

That's why both regular and local SEO practices should be utilized, especially if you operate in a saturated market like the one in Hong Kong, for example. If you're having difficulties getting results, you can always consult with a reliable Hong Kong SEO company. That being said, here are a few SEO practices you should focus on for both regular and local exposure. 

SEO practices

  • Conduct keyword research.

  • Conduct on-page optimization.

  • Focus on technical SEO.

  • Engage in off-page activities, such as guest posting and link building. 

Local SEO practices

  • Provide business information to local listing directories.

  • List with Google My Business directory.

  • Use quality content.

  • Ensure positive customer reviews.

Get social

Exposure, visibility and awareness for your website can all be built on social media platforms. Today, social media is considered to be one of the best tools any marketer or business owner can use. The main reason is that social media can help you establish a meaningful relationship with your target audience and social media marketing can vastly boost your organic website traffic. 

However, before you can reap the benefits, you'll have to establish a strong social media presence. First of all, decide which networks are relevant to you and start building a presence on those networks. Secondly, create a strategy that will help you interact with your audience regularly. 

Last but not least, work on building engagement by organizing contests, promoting giveaways and sharing valuable content. You can then create a lot of inbound links on social media that will drive organic web traffic towards your new website. 


Getting the visitors to land on your website and remain there can be a daunting task. However, the more visitors you have, the more benefits your business will have as well. That's why creating strategies and using tricks to attract website visitors is well worth the effort.

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