What are the typical heart attack symptoms in women?

מאת lcarscom
בתאריך 7 אוגוסט, 2019

The heart attack symptoms in women are quite different than that of men. If any relatives of friends of your have previously suffered from heart attack, you must have observed the classic heart attack symptoms.

What are the typical heart attack symptoms in women?

Issues like heart attack, blockage in heart, etc has become quite common. But, many people cannot realize the actual symptoms of heart disease. Also, folks have an opinion that the impact and feel of heart attack is same in both men and women. But, expert heart surgeons and cardiologists have a different opinion. The heart attack symptoms in women are quite different than that of men.  If any relatives of friends of your have previously suffered from heart attack, you must have observed the classic heart attack symptoms. One of the common symptoms is the crushing chest pain. This however results in radiation of one arm. But, symptom is quite common in men. But, women don’t suffer from this symptom.

Common heart attack symptoms in women

  1. Chest pain

Even a child can say that chest pain is a symptom of heart attack. But, the types of chest pain in women are different than that of men. Also, women may feel it as a squeezing or fullness. For women, the pain can develop in just any side of the chest. Normally, people have an opinion that the pain will stay in the left hand side of the chest.  But, the heart attack symptoms in women depict the pain to persist in any side of the chest.


2 .Stomach pain

Stomach pain can take place due to many reasons. Very few people can make out that this can also be a symptom of heart attack. Rather they get it confused with the heart burn, gas or indigestion. But, according to the eminent cardiologists- Nieca Goldberg, MD, medical director of the Joan H. Tisch Center, sometimes women can face some severe abdominal pressure. It is somewhat like elephant sitting on your stomach. In such a situation, it can be one of the heart attack symptoms in women.


General feeling among people is the fact that, sweating takes place when people feel excessive heat inside their body. Excessive humidity in the atmosphere can be a reason. But, specialists say, sweating can be a symptom of heart attack in women. Mostly it is true for the cold sweat. It is better to consult a doctor if you get such symptom.

4.Pain in jaw, arms, back and neck

Having pains in certain parts of your body can be a reason of concern. The pains on several parts of body are quite common. People mostly think it to be physical exertion or stress. But, the pain in arms, jaw, neck as well as back in gradual or sudden form in women can be a symptom of heart attack. You must report the heart attack symptoms in women to the doctor immediately.

5. Fatigue

Women may feel the attack on heart in very severe way. Rather, females get extremely tired when they get heart attacks. Also, when they have not moved much or have taken any type of tiring task, the tiredness persists.  One of the common heart attack symptoms in women is tiredness in the chest.

The symptoms of heart attack in women are quite common. It is quite different than men. But, it is better to consult a doctor before it becomes too late. If you can find any of the above heart attack symptoms in women, inform doctor.



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