6 Important Reasons Why You Should Use WordPress for Your Website

בתאריך 9 יוני, 2019

The best part about WordPress is that it’s easy to use and flexible enough to make different types of websites. That’s the main reason why WordPress has grown so much in popularity. According to a recent survey, WordPress powers 32.3% of all websites on the internet.

6 Important Reasons Why You Should Use WordPress for Your Website

Let’s take a look at why you should use WordPress to make your website.

1. WordPress is Free as in Freedom

WordPress is a free software. It means you are free to download, install, use and modify it to match your needs. You can use it to create any kind of website.

A domain name is the address of your website on the internet. This is what your users type in their browser’s address bar to access your website (for example, ownrox.com ).

2. WordPress is Easy to Customize with Themes and Plugins

A large portion of people using WordPress are neither web designers nor programmers. As a matter of fact, most folks start using WordPress without any prior knowledge of designing websites.

For non-tech savvy folks, WordPress is the perfect solution because there are thousands of free website templates (themes) that you can choose from.

3. WordPress is SEO Friendly

WordPress is written using standard compliance high-quality code and produces semantic markup. In non-geek terms, this makes Google and other search engines love WordPress.

This is why WordPress sites tend to rank higher than others in search engines.

By design, WordPress is very SEO friendly out of the box. You can also use WordPress SEO plugins to further optimize your website. 

4. WordPress is Easy To Manage

WordPress comes with a built-in updates management system. This allows you to update your plugins and themes from within your WordPress admin dashboard.

WordPress also notifies you when there is a new version of WordPress available, so you can update your site by simply clicking a button.

5. WordPress is Safe and Secure

WordPress is developed with security in mind, and it is considered to be a very safe and secure platform to run a website. However, just like the real world, the internet can be an uncertain place.

There are intruders out there who want to get their hands on as many sites as they could. To protect your WordPress site, there are a few simple things that you can do to make it even more secure.

6. WordPress Can Handle Different Media Types

WordPress is not just limited to writing text. It comes with a built-in media uploader to handle images, audio, and video files.

Editorial Staff at Ownrox is a team of WordPress experts led by Kant Jangid.

6 Important Reasons Why You Should Use WordPress for Your Website
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