Ruby Motion

בתאריך 18 נובמבר, 2017

Ruby Motion What is Ruby Motion? RubyMotion is production ready and extremely enjoyable to use in development of iOS applications. If you are a Ruby on Rails developer looking to make the jump to iOS, RubyMotion is a great place to start, even if you want to move to Swift later.

Ruby Motion

                               Ruby Motion

What is Ruby Motion?

RubyMotion is production ready and extremely enjoyable to use in development of iOS applications.

If you are a Ruby on Rails developer looking to make the jump to iOS, RubyMotion is a great place to start, even if you want to move to Swift later.

RubyMotion apps execute in an iOS simulator alongside a read-eval-print loop (REPL) for interactive inspection and modification

RubyMotion has tremendous bunch of libraries, pods and gems to improve our productivity

  • Libraries - have to be shipped with project, are distributed usually as a compressed packages that require to be extracted and included by developers manually.
  • Pods - dependencies prepared especially for Objective-C. They were created before RM and are used in many Objective-C projects. Thanks to HipByte, they can be used from Ruby right now.
  • Gems - they are rubygems prepared for RM and provide nifty solutions for many common problems in native environments.

Frameworks of RubyMotion:

In RubyMotion world there are some tools that makes mobile platforms completely separate from their native languages end extremely easy to implement. They are essentially gems but this is analogy to Rails among other Ruby gems. Here’s the list:

  • Vanilla RubyMotion: This is RubyMotion itself, that allows to write the same methods taken form native platforms in ruby with just a little tweaks. It’s the closest implementation to Java or Objective-C.
  • ProMotion: It makes verbose Objective-C syntax more ruby-like by hiding native methods behind ruby-convention ones. PM also offers a bunch of ready classes to manipulate views without struggling with sometime complex implementation.
  • RMQ: This is the jQuery for Objective-C. It makes extremely easy to manipleulate views, traverse between components, animate and style whatever we want and handle events and user gestures.

RubyMotion is 100% production ready. You can integrate RubyMotion with Interface BuilderCoreData, and every Cocoa Touch SDK easily.

RubyMotion is not some hacky workaround, it is a native solution. Apps made in RubyMotion are just as fast and responsive as their Objective-C and Swift counterparts. 

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