Top WordPress Web Design Trends of 2021

מאת Web-Skipper
בתאריך 2 דצמבר, 2021

How will web design be different in 2021? With the way things are going, it’s anyone’s guess what the future holds, but one thing that seems safe to predict is that web design will still have lots of room for improvement. Thankfully, the WordPress web design platform will be right there with it, ensuring users can benefit from the most effective user experience and user interface when they visit your site. Here are some of the top UX/UI trends in WordPress web design you can expect to see in 2021...

Top WordPress Web Design Trends of 2021

UX/UI Tips For WordPress Sites

These days, it’s hard to avoid UX and UI. In fact, with mobile devices so popular (and more people using them), UX and UI is crucial for successful websites. No matter what type of site you have—whether it’s a simple one-page landing page or a large, comprehensive website with multiple pages—UX/UI design should be your top priority. Fortunately, you don’t need to be an expert in UX/UI to improve your site. Here are just a few tips for improving yours: * Add user review options: Consumers love reviews; chances are good that if they read positive reviews about your business on another website, they’ll come to check out your website as well. That’s why it pays to allow users to leave feedback for your company on your WordPress site. With plugins like User Reviews Pro, setting up reviews is easy—just add some code into your template files and then let users know where they can leave their comments. From there, sit back and watch as more customers learn about your services! * Switch fonts: As obvious as font choice may seem at first glance, UX actually matters here. Different fonts mean different moods; sans serif fonts often create feelings of friendliness while serif fonts feel serious or professional.

Best WordPress Plugins To Improve UX/UI

In 2021, we'll start to see some big changes in web design. Web design trends focus on improving User Experience (UX) and User Interface (UI).

What does that mean? UI/UX is about making a website look nice (think modern flat design) but it's also about making a website function well for visitors. The best websites are user-friendly and easy to navigate. Some big UX/UI issues can be fixed with plugins created specifically for that purpose.

Below is a list of top 4 WordPress plugins I recommend using to make your site more user-friendly and mobile-friendly . I've written summaries of each plugin so you know exactly what they do:

Online marketing tool designed for business owners looking to increase traffic by optimizing their conversions and sales through better forms, social sharing, landing pages...

Visual Composer: Drag-and-drop page builder which provides a huge selection of flexible modules that allow you to easily create any layout you can imagine without coding...

WP Smush Pro:
As an image uploading plugin used on more than 2 million sites worldwide, WP Smush Pro allows users to reduce image file sizes without lossy compression or sacrificing quality by 90% or greater...

Responsive WordPress Templates

As businesses continue to shift to mobile platforms, responsive WordPress templates will be your best friend. It's a given that some portion of your audience is going to visit your site from their phone or tablet; it would be a shame if they couldn't access any content because you didn't have an appropriate layout. As far as trends go, increased responsiveness and mobile optimization is as solid as it gets. The good news is that there are plenty of great responsive themes available for you. And if you really want to dig into design trends and create something fresh, now’s a great time to go responsive – most users still aren’t used to responsive design so they won’t notice when things don’t look right. Mobile-first: While many people think mobile first has to do with designing interfaces for smartphones and tablets first (which isn’t always true), these devices will probably play a bigger role in how we use technology tomorrow than they do today. These devices are likely to become much more advanced, resulting in an app store environment where everything looks like software written by big companies like Apple, Facebook, get it. Mobile apps may not even need website counterparts at all someday soon—instead everything we do on our phones could happen directly through native applications.

Upcoming WordPress Trends Of 2021 And Beyond

Faster, Faster, Faster: The Next Generation Of Accelerated Page Speed In Web Design: We’re just at the beginning of a trend towards faster web pages – but there are better and better tools emerging to help us all make super-fast websites that load instantly in any environment. It’s time to start thinking about how to optimize your site not just for desktop computers, but also for mobile devices. Here are some hot tips from designers on how to get your WordPress site loading super fast so it works brilliantly for everyone. Title Tag & Meta Description: Title tags and meta descriptions are one of those overlooked areas where keyword density can make or break your SEO (even though they don't directly influence your rankings). To achieve higher rankings you need to use more specific keywords, write longer meta descriptions and tighten up your Title Tags. Keyword Density is Not Everything!: When optimizing your web content for search engines, we're often told we should hit our keywords five times or more per piece.

Top WordPress Web Design Trends of 2021
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