
מאת Freelancer
בתאריך 4 אפריל, 2020

I love creating and designing graphic/logo ideas


I love creating and designing graphic/logo ideas. My style is clean, simple, and professional. I have been working for web studio within a professional team doing their branding style. I am looking for web graphic design and logos tasks related to small and medium businesses. I like to concentrate attention on one project only while I am working, so you can be sure

I love creating and designing graphic/logo ideas. My style is clean, simple, and professional. I have been working for web studio within a professional team doing their branding style. I am looking for web graphic design and logos tasks related to small and medium businesses. I like to concentrate attention on one project only while I am working, so you can be sure

I love creating and designing graphic/logo ideas. My style is clean, simple, and professional. I have been working for web studio within a professional team doing their branding style. I am looking for web graphic design and logos tasks related to small and medium businesses. I like to concentrate attention on one project only while I am working, so you can be sure [...]

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