5 Things to Know Before You Learn to Meditate

בתאריך 28 ספטמבר, 2019

Meditation is an art. It needs practice...practice to calm your mind, being more aware, bring together your senses, and let loose your emotions.

5 Things to Know Before You Learn to Meditate

“The goal of meditation is not to get rid of thoughts or emotions. The goal is to become more AWARE of your thoughts and emotions and learn how to move through them without getting stuck.” – Dr P. Goldin.

Meditation is an art. It needs practice...practice to calm your mind, being more aware, bring together your senses, and let loose your emotions. The experience can be profound. However, knowing some important things before you learn to meditate can actually render a deeper experience.

Here are 5 Simple things that may help you While Learning to Meditate.

#1: The Posture does not Necessarily have to be Crossed Legs with Hands held in one Position

With meditation, the first thing that comes to our mind is sitting with legs crossed, back straight and hands on the lap. But did you know that meditation is all about the way you feel comfortable? There is no hard and fast rule regarding meditation posture; your comfort level is the foremost priority because unless your body feels relaxed, your mind will not calm down. Therefore, choose any posture that you find comfortable.

Many people sit on a cushion or a chair with their spine straight and hands falling gently at their sides or on the lap. It is not a good idea to lie down and meditate unless you are doing it for a good night’s sleep. The eyes can be open or closed but make sure to look little downward. This will help open up your chest.  

#2: Learn to Meditate for a Purpose or Achieve Overall Wellbeing

Why do you want to learn to meditate – do you have a health condition that you want to control with meditation or want to achieve overall wellbeing and happiness?

Before you begin, it is important to determine this because it will help practice the right meditation techniques and exercises. A meditation practice suitable to alleviate anxiety and sleeplessness will certainly be different from one known to boost your positivity and self-love.

#3: Warm-up Exercises can be Helpful

Before starting to meditate, you can practice a few warm-up exercises or subtle yoga. This can help eliminate restlessness and inertia, improve blood circulation and make your body feel stress-free. It will help the muscles to relax, which is important to sit steadily for meditation.

#4: Practice Deep Breathing

Deep breathing is a powerful tool for effective and enriched meditation experience. Deep breathing before meditation or nadi shodhan pranayama can help control the rhythm of your breath. It also helps channel your mind through a calm meditative state.

#5: Ways to Learn Meditation

There are many ways you can learn to meditate – alone, on a retreat, with a group, while listening to music or via guided meditations. Try them all, until you choose your preference, determining your individual needs and comfort level.

Start the journey to your inner self with these important tips that can help you learn to meditate.

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