What 7 years old kids taught me about creative, content, and marketing?

בתאריך 2 ינואר, 2019

The amazing combination of interest, curiosity, and a great deal of courage.

What 7 years old kids taught me about creative, content, and marketing?

From 2014 to 2017, I worked as a freelancer at an informal education company that teaches creative thinking lessons in school. We used many unorthodox teaching techniques with our students including teaching physics through ball games, public speaking by watching lectures that incorporated movement imitation, and group dynamics by introducing them to controlled learning environments. At one point I realized that although the lessons and content I wanted to pass to my students were the same, each of my three classes naturally transformed to become its own unique learning setting. This lead me to understand that my responsibility of creating educational content for my classes would have to be tailored to each specific class type I would work with. This meant personalizing lessons dependent on the types of students in my classes from science-loving kids, to impatient ones, to those who like to dance and so on.


On the business level, these kids were our customers and direct consumers of our content. Matching between the types of students and the content was not only necessary but in our opinion mandatory. This process allowed us to be among the few teachers who managed to create interesting and valuable content for our kids. Not only was the content interesting to them, but we were also able to enforce the importance of discipline while most importantly being able to intrigue and motivate them to present and innovate (in some classes the students would bring models of products they had invented and we would conduct a presentation pitch. It was amazing!). Personalized content became our main business product and was a crucial part in both the selling our good (in meetings with principals and school boards) as well as the education benefits it had for our students. These kids were very important to us on a moral and ideological level, and we believed in what we were doing.


Creating personally tailored and highly motivating content is an integral part of any organization both on the business and personal levels. A business that believes in what it does at its lowest level, will do everything in its power to give value to its customers. This value, at the content level, should be personalized content, built around a target customer and specifically designed for that target customer.

Thank you for reading,



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