How to fold a fitted sheet

בתאריך 17 יולי, 2018

“How to fold a fitted sheet” is a notoriously difficult lesson to learn.

How to fold a fitted sheet

Folding a fitted sheet seems like one of the greatest mystery of life, but the nippy method shared in this post will help you in creating a precise and hassle-free fold in no time. Read on, to learn how to fold fitted sheets and say good-bye to those wrinkled and crumpled messes.


How to fold a fitted sheet” is a notoriously difficult lesson to learn. I’d be lying if I said I never tried folding a sheet where I tucked the corners into each other, but the end result was far from pleasant coz my sheets ended up looking more like huge cotton balls or perhaps they looked like clouds, what I mean to say is that they turned into something that couldn’t be stored easily in my closet – which is a big problem for me and my closet!


After struggling long and hard to get this right I finally came up with an innovative idea of my own, I bought a new pair of sheets and decided to unfold the packed fitted sheet in such a manner that I might be able to find out how the maker/manufacturer was able to fold the sheet totally flat and small. Based on my experiment, and some tweaks of my own, I came up with the following steps. If you are also trying to figure out “how to fold fitted sheets” then follow the below steps, you’ll find them to be the least complicated steps to fold a fitted sheet. Here’s how it’s done:


How To Fold Fitted Sheets


  1. Stand straight and hold the sheet by two adjacent corners of one of the smaller edges. Keep the sheet inside out and now place one hand in each of the 2 corners.


  1. Take your right hand towards your left, and fold over the corner in your right hand above the one in your left, try to envelop it. After that, reach down and lift the corner that is falling in front; fetch it up, and fold it on the 2 corners in your left hand; the corner which is showing would be inside out.


  1. Now, bring the last corner up, and fold it up over the others; remember you need to make sure that its right side is showing, it must enclose the other 3 corners.


  1. Put down the folded sheet on an even surface and smooth it down as shown in the image.
  1. Next step - Fold both the edges inwards so that all the elastic is totally out of sight.


  1. Now, fold the whole sheet in rectangular shape.


  1. Carry on folding till the time the rectangle is the size you would like it to be.



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