Should I go for wheatgrass juice or powder?

בתאריך 6 יוני, 2018

Hence, Wheat Grass Juice Powder is normally mixed with water, fruit juices, tea or smoothies to make it more palatable. Wheatgrass juice must be consumed fresh for it deteriorates very soon and loses its potency.

Should I go for wheatgrass juice or powder?

The scientific name for wheatgrass is Triticumaestivum and it is also commonly called couchgrass.Wheatgrass contains high levels of chlorophyll, amino acids, vitamins and minerals.It is generally safe to consume unless one suffers from celiac disease, gluten intolerance or grass allergies.

There is a likelihood of bacteria and mold contamination since it is consumed raw.

Wheatgrass Juice: Wheatgrass juice is sourced from ground fresh grass. This grass can be bought from natural food stores or grown in trays indoors.

The grass has to be harvested at the right time (within 10 days of planting) to extract juice. In its raw form, wheatgrass is tough to digest because of the high fiber content and strong taste.

Hence, Wheat Grass Juice Powder is normally mixed with water, fruit juices, tea or smoothies to make it more palatable. Wheatgrass juice must be consumed fresh for it deteriorates very soon and loses its potency.

There are special wheatgrass juicers available that can be used to extract juice from the fresh plant.

: The other way of using wheatgrass is to buy wheatgrass powder. Dried and dehydrated grass is made into tablets that can be swallowed or made into powder that can be mixed in drinks or added to food.

Wheatgrass Juice vs. Powder

There are many discussions on whether wheatgrass juice or wheatgrass powder is beneficial. Let us see which one is indeed better.

Wheatgrass helps to build blood since the high quantities of chlorophyll (70% of total content) mimics that of blood hemoglobin.

The major difference is that hemoglobin contains iron and chlorophyll has magnesium. The presence of chlorophyll means that wheatgrass can help build RBC, destroy carbon dioxide, dilate blood vessels and improve blood flow and improve enzyme system functioning and promote higher metabolism.

The high amino acid content means that wheatgrass benefits bodybuilders and athletes who incorporate fresh juice or powdered wheatgrass in their daily diet. Wheatgrass is a complete protein.It is also high in saponin that supports the lymphatic system. The immune system also gets a boost from wheatgrass and it helps fight various common infections.

Including wheatgrass into your daily diet can provide these and other health benefits as compared to any other Organic Superfood Powder.

You can buy either fresh grown grass, buy a wheatgrass kit, grow, harvest your own juice or buy organic wheatgrass supplements. Both juices and powders have their own pros and cons.

Some people even state that there is a difference between ‘tray-grown’ and naturally grown wheatgrass. The former is said to contain less nutritional value since it is grown in artificial condition.

The latter if cultivated organically and harvested before the jointing stage is said to contain maximum nutritional value. Naturally grown wheatgrass is then dehydrated at the right temperature that preserves nutrients and enzymes then compressed into pellets and made into powder or tablets.


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