Top 5 SEO factors in ranking your YouTube videos

מאת Gicree
בתאריך 21 דצמבר, 2016

Creating a video and uploading them on various video platforms like Youtube is easy. But what about making it viral or to get in top of the search result of Youtube Search? It requires a smart work and patience.

Top 5 SEO factors in ranking your YouTube videos

If you believe the numbers, over 400 hours of videos were uploaded to YouTube every minute as of July 2015!!! So, now you might be wondering: if you have a video to upload, how can you make sure it has a good Google ranking? What can you do to make sure the search results list your videos?

Well, if you are struggling with these questions, you are at the right place.

In this article I will explain you how to get more traffic and achieve better ranking. With tons of videos already flooding YouTube every minute, these points will help you carve out a position for your videos in search list.

1. Quality of your Video

One key factor is to create a better experience for your visitors. If the video is blurry, in bad color, or is irrelevant the visitors will be upset.

The most important thing when it comes to YouTube is video quality; otherwise no one will bother to watch your videos till the end.

To put it simply: high quality videos have better chance at ranking

2. Take care of every details

Title of your videos, description, thumbnails, hyperlinks and tags all of these are very important for your videos. These things if taken care can help you boost your traffic.

Few takeaways:

  • Write catchy titles. It must be readable.
  • Don’t do over-keyword stuffing. Write quality description and provide necessary information by stuffing healthy numbers of keywords.
  • Always tag your videos and add relevant keywords and key phrases.
  • Allow your visitors to see a quick snapshot of your video by adding video thumbnail.

3. Choose the right keywords

Optimize your video with right and relevant keywords. This is necessary step to follow. Search for the keyword you are selecting and see the results. If there is any result on the first page of Google, then go for it.

4. Promote engagement

YouTube will promote your videos only if it is attractive enough or engaging enough. The content, presentation and overall feel of your videos must be of top-notch quality. The quality you offer to your visitors will ultimately be defining your ranking.

5. Transcribe your videos

Providing a video transcript will make your videos more searchable. If you want to boost your SEO, transcribing your video can do wonders. They can also be used to create subtitles of your video and hence can make your video user-friendly for your visitors.

To Wrap Up:

It is quite evident that, YouTube is the most popular as well as powerful platform. It can prove to be the biggest source of traffic to your website. Therefore, spend some time creating wonderful video, taking care of its small details (like description, tags) before uploading, check its quality and after taking care of all relevant factors, then hit SUBMIT.

If you have more points to add to the list, feel free to comment, we will appreciate your participations. If you have further suggestions, queries or some valuable insights, drop them all in comment.

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